explore young living


the world leader in essential oils

Let’s get started…

As the biggest essential oil-producing company in the world, Young Living’s essential oils and essential-oil-based products are designed to simplify the way you invest in your health.  No longer worry about label-reading, harmful chemicals in your home or spending $$$ on toxic products.

who we are

 We are called Legacy Impact - a Diamond team within Young Living generating over $1.5 million per year.  With over 4,000 members, our leaders are here to educate, support and empower you as you start this journey to learn what Young Living has to offer you.

We're here to help you learn more about Young Living, what essential oils are and why we choose to use Young Living Essential Oils exclusively.  We want to help you explore more about this amazing opportunity and give you the valuable resources to discover how Young Living can be a great fit for your home and family.

Did you know?

Young Living is the only essential oil company who produces their own essential oils from the seed to the seal of the bottle.  Because the FDA has no labeling laws, there is no regulation on what a company can put on their label to ensure it’s purity.

Educate: Start Learning

We have lots of ways to help educate you on the incredible uses for essential oils and the 600+ products Young Living provides for your family.  Essential Oils 101 is the best place to start!  Here are some of the most popular links below…

Support: A Community

Once you join as a member of the Legacy Impact team, you have access to our VIP Facebook Group, local and online events and support groups.  Get to know other members who share similar values and learn tips, hacks and recipes from seasoned “oilers”.  When you join Young Living, you join a family!

Empower: Take it to the next level

To become a YL member…

  1. grab a Premium Starter Kit or build your own customized kit (starting at $35)

  2. opt in to Essential Rewards to start saving $$$ on your everyday household consumables

  3. and the best part of your membership is the opportunity to share Young Living with others! Receive $50 for every friend who gets their own starter kit with you!

Sharing Young Living is simple! You have probably shared your favorite item on Amazon, recommended a good movie to watch or raved about a great restaurant you ate at!  Everyone shares what they love, but most of us don’t get paid for it. With Young Living… now you do!

Young Living rewards their members for sharing with others.  Educating friends and family on Young Living, helping their friends and family and so-on can earn you not just free oils every month, but can actually earn you a full time income!

Educate.  Support. Empower.  It’s THAT simple!

To get started, click this button and select the friend who referred you to this page and your account will get connect with theirs when you become a wholesale member.

Didn’t get referred by anyone? Get started with this link and we’ll connect you to one of our leaders who is right for you!