Is Young Living Cinnamon Bark synthetic?

You may remember in February that Young Living proudly announced we had surpassed $1 Billion in sales for 2015. As to be expected people came out of the woodwork with all kinds of accusations. One of which was that our cinnamon bark oil was heavily contaminated. This was of course, NOT TRUE.

Young Living has rigorous industry leading standards in place including multiple levels of testing to ensure that every drop of oil in a bottle is pure without adulteration or contamination of any kind. Young Living did not instantly react, even though they knew they were right, but instead further tested to prove yet again our quality standards were being upheld. The results of the testing and an email from Young Living were sent to the Diamond Groups earlier today and I am sharing this information with you to use if you have a team member raise a concern.

Having been to the farms, having watched the testing procedures not only at the farm but at one of the analytical laboratories, even though I didn't necessarily understand what I was watching, I am still 100% confident in the quality of YL essential oils I use in my daily life. //DR

"As the world leader in essential oils, Young Living invests heavily in quality assurance as part of our Seed to Seal® process. Recently, allegations were made on social media claiming that specific synthetic chemical compounds were found in lot #15B10032 of our Cinnamon Bark essential oil. The following information will help delineate some of the science we use to ensure our oils are the highest quality and purity and to address these specific allegations.

As vice president of Research and Development and Product Management for the company, I personally oversaw in-house testing for the lot in question. Our team of highly experienced research scientists found no evidence of synthetics. For a more in-depth analysis of the lot in question, please refer to the test results in the attachment to this email. (I have to add these to FILES as it contains the analysis chart.//DR)

In addition to our own in-house testing, we sent the lot in question to one of the world’s leading independent European research labs, which is known for its expertise in essential oil analysis. We’ve received the results, and they also show no evidence of synthetic adulteration in the oil.

As a vital step in the Seed to Seal process, Young Living routinely uses a battery of scientific tests to measure the components and chemical properties of our essential oils. Our research scientists use Gas Chromatography-Mass Spectrometry (GC-MS) analysis to separate and analyze an essential oil’s components and validate quality. GC-MS is a technique for the analysis and quantitation of organic volatile and semi-volatile compounds and is considered a gold standard in forensic testing. This methodology is routinely used for identifying trace amounts of unknown substances. In addition to GC-MS, our scientists also employ polarimetry, infrared spectroscopy, refractive index, and specific gravity analyses to ensure the purity of our oils.

All Young Living essential oils are created by nature, in nature. Our multiple analyses ensure that our oils meet our very rigorous quality standards. The highly qualified Young Living Research and Development team has a skillset that is acquired with years of experience. This experience is essential to not only run the analyses but to also interpret the complex results. This team cares deeply about quality and purity and has more than 180 years of combined experience in chemical analysis.

My years of experience have led me to Young Living, and I couldn’t be more proud of the team we’ve assembled. Their in-depth analytical chemistry expertise in research and development and quality is industry leading. I joined Young Living last year because I believe in the integrity of this company and in the possibilities of essential oils."


Dr. Mike Buch

Details on Young Living Cinnamon Bark Testing