#6 What do I Do Now?


You did it!  You got through our Scavenger Hunt and have reached the final pillar!  Congratulations! We hope you enjoyed exploring the many facets of your Young Living membership!  We are excited to help you along the way!

So, here’s your last pillar, your final piece!

Each pillar had a clue in the form of a letter.  Take the letters in order and spell out the word.  Then, text or email that word along with 2 or 3 of your take-aways from this Scavenger Hunt and share them with the person who invited you.  Once you do that, you will receive a fun gift that you will LOVE!

You’ll also be part of a growing community that wants to equip you with everything you need!  Thank the person who took time to share this with you! There’s more for you to discover and we cannot wait to help you every step of the way!

Scavenger Hunt Clue:  Y

See you on the other side!