Sue McAlexander

Phone: (636)358-1457
Member ID #: 283406

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Hi my name is SUE and I want to share why I am so passionate about Young Livings benefits toward health & wellness.

When I first got into Young Living Essential Oils I hadn't worked for 5 years.  I wanted to try the oils out and check out the company.   I got my starter kit and started using the oils.  I have always had problems with depression and panic attacks and I thought maybe these oils would help.  Amazingly they did and I was hooked.  In the last two years I have seen so many miracles in other people lives as well as my own.  Everyone should have these and use these oils-after all God created them.

I've never had an easy life, but God has always brought me through.  He has totally blessed me through this company.

My Passion and Vision is to bring Young Living Essential Oil Products to every home in the world.  I believe you deserve to live a healthy and toxic free lifestyle.