Kelly Kelton

Phone: 847.942.5397
Member ID: 1408134

About me

Hello! My name is Kelly Kelton. I'm a Stay-At-Home mom to four great kiddos and wife to my wonderful hubby, Jim. My journey into the realm of health and wellness began about seventeen years ago when I read a book highlighting the benefits of a "Biblical Diet".  What struck me the most wasn't what I SHOULD be eating, but what I shouldn't be.... for example, it talked about the dangers of soda and sugar and how they cause pain and inflammation in the body. I slowly began changing my diet and researching more about what a healthy lifestyle really looked like...

As we began having children, I found it even more important to know what ingredients were going into our bodies and what we products we were applying to our skin...

Introduction to Young Living

I had used essential oils before, but without much success so I was a little skeptical. In January of 2013 I attended my first Young Living Essential Oils 101 Class. It was here I learned about the difference between store bought oils and therapeutic grade oils and about how therapeutic grade oils can support ALL of our body systems. Not only that, but they can help with stress and emotional balance!

I signed up for a Starter Kit that very night, thinking if half of what these ladies say is true, "I'm in!". Over the next eight months I used my family as guinea pigs, trying the oils out. Boy was I amazed!!! Time after time the oils had a positive effect on our health...anything from needing digestive support, relieving pain, skin issues, too much sun exposure, emotional support and more!!! I was convinced and started my Young Living business.

Are you looking for better health and wellness? Or income that can give your family financial freedom? Young Living offers BOTH!

Ask me how!!! This is my passion and I can't wait to share it with you!