Are YL oils organic?

 Q. Are YL oils organic

Also statement, "YL oils aren't certified organic and they are too expensive"

Why YL?

A. How do you respond when a new essential oil company pops onto the ever-growing essential oil scene? Of course they always tell you that their oils are the best, the most unique, the most beneficial. With claims and high profile backing and endorsements they try to stake a claim in this ever-growingmulti-million dollar market. But before you or your team panics, you need to stop and ask yourself these questions:

  • Who really is behind the company and marketing and where did they gain their essential oil experience?
  • How many years have they put their undivided attention into the study of plants and essential oils? (Gary has over 30 years)
  • Where did they gain their expertise in distilling? (Since no one was distilling in the US, Gary traveled to France, Turkey and Egypt to learn distillation and has gone on to patent some of the processes.)
  • Are they considered a world leader in knowledge and experience with essential oils? (Gary is)
  • Is their founder considered a pioneer in this space? (Gary is credited for bringing back essential oils.)
  • Is their founder recognized worldwide as one of the most knowledgeable and authoritative men in essential oil production? (Gary is.)
  • Where are there farms? Ones they own and oversee; or partner with to ensure the best quality. (Young Living has invested over $100 million in our global farms producing to date over 50 of our most used essential oils that make up our Vitality line, regular singles and blends. As more farms come into the fold, this number will continue to increase).
  • Are their oils labels for oral use? (Following FDA guidelines YL essential oils may be labeled for oral uses as in our Vitality Line.)

You see, no one can hold a candle to Young Living. No one else in the world has the education and the experience that Gary Young has. He has taught many throughout the years and some of those people have even begun their own companies. But none of them have even a thimbles worth of the experience, knowledge and God-given wisdom that Gary has. When did the competitor open their first farm to see what grows in this country or to log hundreds upon thousands maybe even millions of miles flying across the world to learn from other experts to see the distillation processes to uncover the secrets of the proper soil for growing the essential oil plants.

Young Living essential oils have been and are always:

  • 100% pure
  • Never derived from GMO plants (all seeds are checked by botanists to be sure the seeds planted are exactly the species desired)
  • Grown and raised better than just USDA organic which allows over 40 chemicals to be used.
  • No one has and probably never will for decades to come, a mere smidgen of what Young Living has in its founder, leadership, its practices, its farms, experience and expertise, its quality and purity and standards. So while others boast and brag, Young Living stands alone as the world leader in essential oils and of that you can be sure.
  • Talk to anyone who has visited the farms, who has seen the warehouses, the laboratories the testing laboratories, met Gary and listen to his wisdom and experience, felt his heart for the oils. People clamber to work for Young Living just to be a part of such a special company. Why settle for anything less than the original and the best - Young Living.

So what can you do when you are your team sees a newbie strutting their stuff on social media, making claims about their products? Ignore it and tell your people not to get distracted with the next newcomer on the scene. Share this information with them now, so they are settled in their decision to be part of something extraordinary and do not get distracted.

While some of these companies are headed by or endorsed by well respected men and women; that is not the same as having the experience, expertise and decades of training it takes to bring to market essential oils that can even be placed in the same space as Young Living.

If you don't yet have a copy of the book about the history of Young Living, please get one. Then you will be able to read and see for yourself the full legacy of Young Living. Available in the VO or through LSP.

Debra Raybern November 2016