Diedra McGeever

Email: diedramcgeever@hotmail.com
Phone: 773-209-8741
Member ID: 1430775

About Me

I am blessed beyond measure with an amazing husband, Sean and two children Riley and Logan. We currently live in a lovely little town called Grayslake in Illinois. My life has been filled with many ups like marrying the most amazing man ever and having children, and many downs, losing my voice for 6 years (yes I said 6 years….not 6 weeks) and struggling with rib and back pain for several more years. Life is a journey! One that I wouldn’t change for anything.

I have finally realized that I should NEVER say NEVER. All the “NEVERS” have become a realty in my life….I will never be a stay at home mom…..I will never drive a mini-van….I will never live in the suburbs….I will never enjoy a business selling oils… WHAT?????? Although, I said NEVER to all of those things. ALL of these things have been and continue to be amazing gifts in my life. The gift and the ability to work from home while raising my children, and driving the entire neighborhood crew of kids in our mini-van (because they can fit), and enjoying the idea that parking doesn’t cost money… (used to city life). Life is a gift and I want to enjoy it to the fullest.

Our oil journey is a sweet journey that is filled with joy. Our son Logan at the age of 4 months was in and out of the hospital and sick for 6 months straight. This is not normal. After many doctor visits nothing was quite figured out. This led us down a path of more natural doctors. We found out in fact that Logan was a really sick little boy. His body can’t fight like other kids bodies. We adjusted his diet, started supplements and oils. I can report to you that today at age7 he is healthy, strong and doing amazing! Oils have transformed our lives. Not sharing them, not explaining them is doing such a disservice to you. Who wouldn’t want the gift and freedom you feel when you are living a vibrant, healthy life. Life is a gift and I want my family to enjoy it to the fullest.

If you feel the same way. Call me! Make the changes today! Many small changes lead to bigger and bigger changes! It’s beautiful to watch my clients lives change and transform right before my eyes. By far the biggest perk of this business!!! Getting to know all of you and helping you reach your health and wellness goals!!!